Where does the urine go when I use the Midstream ?

By |2017-02-04T16:20:32+00:00February 4th, 2017|Categories: |

The first stream will go into a toilet wherever you point the Midstream. The mid stream will be automatically collected in the provided sterile sample container, the remaining or last stream will go into a toilet wherever you point the Midstream.

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When using the Midstream at home what sample of urine do I use?

By |2017-02-04T16:19:46+00:00February 4th, 2017|Categories: |

First do not attach the collection bottle if you have placed the home test strip in flowing urine then depending on the test requirements; if it is first stream: place the strip in the flow coming out of the front of the device e.g. for Chlamydia, if its midstream place the strip in the flow coming [...]

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Is the Midstream hygienic?

By |2017-02-04T16:18:13+00:00February 4th, 2017|Categories: |

Completely. It is Sterilised and comes in sterilisation packing that ensures the sterility is maintained to a level of the legal requirement for sterile products of 10(-6) and which has the instructions printed on the verso. The legal requirements on the level of sterility are set out in the EU Harmonised standards 556-1 and 556-2. In [...]

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