News and Updates

News and Updates2017-02-08T19:28:36+00:00

Ecuador 2008 – Another Whiz freedom triumph!

Dramatic Adventure Theatre an independent organisation which provides the opportunity for artists to perform around the world have now returned from their latest endeavour in Ecuador. Whiz UK kindly donated the Whiz freedom to members of DAT, who were so pleased with its ease of use and practicality they wrote us our very own thank you page: DAT are now [...]

By |February 5th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Ecuador 2008 – Another Whiz freedom triumph!

V Festival 2008 – Fantastic one for the Whiz team.

The Whiz team is back in our offices after another successful festival. Tremendous interest was experienced for the whole weekend and amongst rain and sunshine the Whiz freedom sold, again, exceptionally well. If you did not get a chance to see us at V please do let us know which festival you would like to see us at and we [...]

By |February 5th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on V Festival 2008 – Fantastic one for the Whiz team.

Whiz advert on YouTube!

JBOL’s revolutionary product, the Whiz freedom Hygienic Urine Guide publishes its latest advert on YouTube™! Continuing to liberate women across four continents, the Whiz freedom has been fantastically successful from the very beginning, but now it has been used on K2, Everest, the Amazon jungle, the Australian desert, on round the world yacht races, by the military and within the [...]

By |February 5th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Whiz advert on YouTube!

Whiz Midstream; NHS Report findings

The Whiz Midstream achieves "significant potential" in NHS report The Cleancatch® Midstream™ has achieved NHS tender, been adopted as an innovative urine collection solution all over the world and has now been approved as having significant potential by the NHS Centre For Evidence Based Purchasing. This CEP report (#07004), despite choosing the most conservative data and using the most pessimistic [...]

By |February 5th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Whiz Midstream; NHS Report findings

Midstream Biodegradable

With the current focus, in both the wider consumer market and across the board in governmental and private institutions, being firmly placed on sourcing sustainable products and more environmentally friendly waste disposal methods, the time is ripe for the medical supply chain to step up and deliver devices which serve this need. JBOL's new device also continues to cut costs [...]

By |February 5th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Midstream Biodegradable

Isle of Wight – The Whiz

The Whiz was present at the Isle of Wight Festival. The decision came after a number of UK festivals have, as a result of intervention by the Health and Safety officials, banned the sale and use of disposable Urine Directors. The Whiz Freedom with its hydrophobic, anti-bacterial and eco friendly (re-usable) qualities has been granted permission to trade at all [...]

By |February 5th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Isle of Wight – The Whiz
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