Can the Midstream be used by men or children or babies

By |2017-02-04T16:31:48+00:00February 4th, 2017|Categories: |

The Midstream is designed to be used by men and women of all ages. Due to the difference in anatomy there are different set of instructions for use men or women. Each person can decide which set suits them best. Mobility impaired women or men who have had penile amputation or retraction will know what the [...]

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How does the Midstream differ from earlier models?

By |2017-02-04T16:31:01+00:00February 4th, 2017|Categories: |

There are no earlier models of the Midstream although we have been approached to develop a model that can take the 30 ml and the 10 ml sample bottles/containers. We were asked that as some of the new machines for urine analysis only use a 10 ml bottle, there is spillage and contamination and a difficulty [...]

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Can the Midstream be used for home testing or as a self test device?

By |2017-02-04T16:28:53+00:00February 4th, 2017|Categories: |

Yes it is ideal for use as a home test as it delivers the best possible quality sample without the need for the intervention of a health care professional. It can be used in conjunction with any home test self test device such as pregnancy to obtain the most uncontaminated sample. We sell Whiz Midstreams for [...]

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